Welcome to Propviews

I’ve started this blog to share views and insight with those working in the property and housing sector and those simply interested in why things are the way they are.

I make no bold statements about being qualified to do this. All I can offer is the experiences of the journey I have been on to date. I have over a decade of experience in leadership roles in local government and I’ve managed to work in some innovative and disruptive property companies over the course of my career. I hope this allows me to offer a perspective on current trends and issues. That’s the best I can do.

There are plenty of blogs out there and there is a steady diet of news information relating to the world of property, housing and real estate. I am interested in innovation and delivery and I care passionately about how we meet the country’s infrastructure needs. I’ll endeavour to share some examples of best practice, reactions and views as the industry grapples with challenges and opportunities – there are many.

I also want this site to help those starting out in the industry to get their heads around all the issues facing young people today. There will be guest posts from time to time and I’ll also try and share links to interesting pieces. I am an avid reader, I started out studying history before I became a surveyor and a planner, so I love to share context and use historical precedents. I’ll try not to bore you and I’d welcome feedback from the comments form from time to time. Watch this space and I hope you find the content interesting.
